Monday, July 17, 2006

Cute Meme. Do it!

Yes, it's another Get To Know You!

* I Said: that I'd get my degree from those b*tches over there
* I Want: to be kissed for hours on end
* I Wish: I'd called that fool a fool to his face
* I Hate: ignant folks
* I Miss: the days when I trusted all men
* I Hear: Aaron Ross
* I Wonder: if I'll ever feel comfortable being physically desired
* I Regret: not writing those damn papers
* I Am Not: a free spirit
* I Dance: all over the house when my roomies ain't home
* I Sing: under my breath at work
* I Cry: at anything remotely sad, the news, movies, wonderful music
* I Am Not Always: tactful, but it's never intentional
* I Make With My Hands: food that comforts others
* I Write: memos, letters, papers, and occasionally poetry
* I Confuse: yeah, just about everyone
* I Need: regular loving, a real job, a place to do my research in peace
* I Should: stop doubting my ability to finish my program
* I Start: getting anxious when I think of all the papers I have to write
* I Finish: other people's sentences, and not always correctly
* I Tag: Lady Taz and anyone else who wants to do this

So, replace what I wrote after the colons, send it to me, and forward to whomever you'd like.


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