Sunday, May 21, 2006

Passive Aggressiveness is Just Irritating

I got hit with a double-whammy of passive-aggressiveness form my mother. Who has really turned into her mother recently. And I won't tell her that, because it's a low blow. But it's true.

So, I haven't been going to church lately. And I'm cool with going to church, but I'm not going to my mom's church. General principle. I guess she got tired of it today.

She came, asked me to take the groceries out of the car, and told me that an old church friend, with Alzheimers was asking about me. Mom said she didn't remember my name, but asked if I was still around. Mom told her yes, then she asked if I went to church, and mom said, "No, she's a grown woman." Them Mom said she said, "You just keep praying for her."

And, of course, the guilt was triggered instantly. "Will she be there next Sunday?" Already I was making plans to go to my mom's church to see the nice old lady. It wasn't until I got to the car that I actually realized how neatly it was done. And I griped about that for a minute.

Now, about two hours later, my mom was napping in the living room, and I stopped in to say something about me getting ready to go out. So I said, "Okay, go back to your nap." And do you know what this woman said to me?

"No, I was just wondering when the tub would be cleaned so we can use it."

"It is cleaned," I replied, thinking of the bathtub.

"No, the hot tub."

And I had to walk away. Before I said something smart assed. Mind you, I know I'm the only one who can clean it. But other than last night, and maybe an hour today (damn me for sleeping late), there has been no time this week to clean it.

And that smarmy little "we" like she gave a shit if I used it or not. I mean, really! Just say you freakin want a deadline on the tub. Maybe I should have said, "Okay, Rosa." And been done with it. And, I ALMOST started to go out do some work on the tub. Because I've eben trained well by those two.

Fuck that. I'm soaking in the BATHTUB, and getting ready to go out. I'll hit that shit tomorrow. If I feel like it Shit might not get done until Thursday. But, what the hell, it's not like she's used it for about a year, anyway.


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