Racism? Or just a Loser Temp?
[Note: Wrote this one 11-19-04. End of first week of newest assignment. Let's hope I don't get dooced behind it.]
I’m buzzing off of Excedrin, chocolate, and nerves. Not a good combo, but feh. This post will be written in the manner of Slaughterhouse Five, which I FINALLY finished, one month after the book was due. So it goes.
I’m temping. I’m in a big corporate box. On a high floor, oh la! I have my own desk. I am an acting Executive Assistant. When my temp agency called, they said they needed an administrative assistant who knew Power Point. No problem. The difference between an EXECUTIVE Assistant and an Administrative Assistant is, while maybe not huge, big enough!!! More warning was really needed. And to top it off, I had to take a drug test. So it goes.
I get there on Monday, and there’s another temp who’s already settled in. So it goes. While the VP’s Exec Assist tries to figure it out, the other temp and I chat. We have a lot in common, it turns out. Both got Master’s and were trying to figure out what was next. Both had ponytails, and were pretty progressive Christians. She is a nice person. I wanted to be her friend. I got the assignment. I felt bad. I almost gave it up. She told me that, since she was married, she didn’t need the check as much as I did, since one paycheck was coming in. I wanted to cry. I took the assignment. So it goes.
First thing I do when I get to an assignment is look for the raisins. You know, the “number of raisins left in the milk after you eat Raisin Bran” game? I have played it all my life. Ever since I was moved into Gifted and Talented classes in Second Grade, I have played this game. Because, more often than not, until I got to college, I was the only Black person in my class. Once, I was the only one in my school. Yeah, I didn’t last there very long. The PeeTayBee didn’t like me or my obnoxious parents. They thought my parents were pushy for wanting to make sure I was fitting in, and getting help if needed, and being respected and not picked on. So it goes. I digress.
I saw two other Black women on Monday. One was very friendly, she works in the mailroom. The other is an Administrative Assistant. Reserved, but cordial. You know we can’t look like we know each other on the first day. Because people will inquire. So it goes. I get it. I’ve been corporate before. I saw not a one Latino or Asian, though a couple of execs looked swarthy. As I was getting acclimated to my desk, an exec walked up to my supervisor and said “Where’s the other one? She gone?” without even offering a cursory “hello, dog, kiss my ass” to me. So it goes. I figured it was because I’m a temp. Interesting reality: invisible woman, not because of race, but because of status as contract employee. What Would Ellison Do?
That person will not speak to me, even on Day 5. So it goes. By Day 3, most of the execs, and yes, 98% of them are White Men, realized I might be sticking around for a while, and started to say hello in the mornings. The work they “entrust” to me comes in a trickle. Hmm, she can work in spreadsheets, give her a task. She answers phones well, have her fax something. Bind a book; not bad. Can you overnight something? So it goes.
By the end of the week, one of the VPs relaxed enough to inquire about my history. He said “Where are you from? You’re not from here.” What, pray tell, about me says that I’m not Midwestern-born-and-raised? The fact that I knew British Parliament was fighting over fox hunting? My lack of a Midwestern accent? The International Relations book on the desk when I have no work? The natural hairstyle? So it goes.
The execs are realizing, except for the phone system, I catch on pretty quickly. I am having issues with putting people on hold and taking them off again. So it goes. It’s hard temping long-term. You want to be comfortable, and make things nice, but you know you could be released on a whim. That happened two weeks ago. So it goes. Maybe they knew I was a bitter Democrat and were afraid I’d go postal after the election. So it could have gone.
Compared to working in Public Schools, I’m okay. Sure, there was a comment that was borderline sexual harassment earlier this week. Sure he also made a joke about a European looking like he had HIV. Sure he finds something to say to me every day. I’m starting to think he has some weird-ass crush. So it goes. I’m only here for two more weeks. They’re interviewing for the spot I’m in on Wednesday. It was suggested that I submit for the job. Feh. I’m blowing this popsicle stand as soon as I get the chance.
So it will be.
12-11-04: I'd like add, I caved and submitted my resume and cover. And was told I would be interviewed shortly. I did this the week of Thanksgiving.
I still haven't heard from the HR heifer. And they've interviewed another temp.
Oh, yeah, I'm frickin
out of this town.
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