Dianne Feinstein: is she useful? ^Seriously. I remember my folks railing against her when she was a Supervisor. I haven't been impressed with her as a Senator, and her part in the Blago-Burris-Reid Show was laughable. If I weren't already over her with Iraq, this would have been the straw.
Why does she talk? I try to respect my elders, especially women in politics, but, uh, I can't even say what doors she's opened for women like me: single, working and scrambling, of color, snarky...
Dude, we need some women of color in politics in NorCal. Assemblyperson Bass and Rep. Lee can't do it alone!
Monday, January 12, 2009
shiny gun, poison gas...
About Me
- Name: brownstocking
- Location: Left Coast Kinda North but Not Really, United States
Adorable Angry Black Woman. Fighting Patriarchal Domination, Knee-Jerk Dumbassedness, and the Term "Articulate" in Reference to any Person of Color who Strings Words Together Cogently

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- is sad the new Dr. Who isn't Black. Guess Obama di...
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- is wondering why pedestrians are suicidal.
- Happy.
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